Super Fun Indoor Kids’ Party Games

If you (and the kids) are tired of pin-the-tail on the donkey, musical chairs, and smack the piñata, there are tons of fun and entertaining games that you can introduce at your next bash! Here are some cool ideas that are too fun to forget. 

Balloon Burst

You’ll have all your guests chuckling with this party game! In this activity you’ll need balloons, candy, and ribbons. Fill balloons with small candies that can fit into the neck of the balloon before filling them with air. Tie each balloon with a ribbon. During this game, children have to try and stomp on each other’s balloon to steal their candy. This will require some space as the children run around attacking each other’s prize. Even after a child’s balloon has popped, he or she can continue playing. The last child standing who’s balloon hasn’t been popped wins a prize!

Marshmallow Sky Scrapers 

This fun game is yummy and easy to participate in. You’ll need marshmallows, a table, and toothpicks for this game. Give the party guests the marshmallows and toothpicks, and tell them to build the tallest tower possible in 15 minutes. After the time is up, the winner is the child with the tallest (and most stable) tower!

Blind Obstacle Course

This sporty game is also laugh-worthy. Set up an area in your house where there are pillows, sheet tents, chairs, couch cushions, fluffy comforters, and other items to create an obstacle course with a start and finish. Blindfold one child, and have them go through the obstacle course while the other children shout directions and guide them. They will have to crawl over pillows, through tents, and around furniture to reach the end. If they make it in time, they receive a prize!

Freeze Dance

This one is straight forward and sure to energize anyone! You’ll need a radio and some extra room for this game. Pick an “announcer” from one of the children, and crank up the music. Have each child dance to music freely, however, whenever the “announcer” shouts FREEZE and shuts off the music, everyone has to stop moving. Anyone caught moving loses and has to leave the dance floor. The winner is the last child standing. 

Stone Face

Probably one of the funniest games! You’ll only need a timer for this game. Two children must face each other in a battle to be the most stoic. Facing one another, for 30 seconds children must stare at each other without laughing. Whoever breaks into the giggles loses and doesn’t get to move to the next round. 

Bobbing for Donuts

Instead of the traditional Bobbing for Apples, this one is just a tad less messy! You’ll need donuts and strings for this game. Have the adults or non-participating children hold up donuts on strings. Those who are participating must eat the donut with hands tied behind their back. The first one to finish eating the donut wins a prize!

Bubble Wrap Race

This is a tricky game! You’ll only need long rolls of bubble wrap for this game. Have each child walk across their length of bubble wrap without popping any bubbles. If you hear a POP, that child gets eliminated from the game. The children who pass the course win!

Cotton Ball Race

Far less messy than an egg race, children have to scoop cotton balls. For this one, you will need bowls, cotton balls, and scoops. Each child has to scoop cotton balls from one container and walk across the room to the other container without touching the cotton balls. Separate children into teams where each team member has to participate. Here’s the catch, they must be BLINDFOLDED. Team members can help shout directions. This is timed for 1 minute. The team with the most cotton balls at the end of the game wins. 

Now that you have some neat ideas for children, you can now confidently throw parties without the cheesiness of antiquated games that have long lost their appeal. Have fun!

Get more tips from In Full Bloom events in Tampa, West Palm Beach, Boca Raton, or South Florida.

By | 2021-09-20T22:31:54+00:00 August 12th, 2019|Uncategorized|